Obviously we all have a lot to learn, but here are some of the things we are finding to be very effective:

Praying Scripture to which the LORD leads me.

PRE-JOICING in these scripture promises—Romans 4:20-21.

Praising the LORD in the faith tenses
(present or past tenses).

Rejoicing that I’m an HFO (Highly Favored One)—
see Luke 1:28.

Praising God for the superiority of the Cross
over every enemy.

Engaging in “saying”—and not just “praying”
—because once we know what belongs to us,
we can enforce it with our words.

Recognizing the strategic advantage of weak
periods and temptations to defeat demonic
forces with declarations.

Realizing how close we are to victory all the time
because the Blood of Jesus has already
defeated our enemies.

Keeping The Main Thing the main thing…
and that’s a focus on Jesus' Love for us,
His Presence and the “word of the Cross…
which is the power of God” (I Corinthians 1:18).

The gorgeous attitude of humility portrayed in this video is so critical to receiving the grace of God and experiencing His Presence.  How we long for that kind of authenticity in our believing.
Gaither Vocal Band members:
Marshall Hall, Bill Gaither and Guy Penrod
Gaither Vocal Band Reunion (July 2008)